Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Links 10/4: Verizon's PA landline problems; Thomas Jefferson University Hospital partners with IBM on IoT

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Verizon workers can now be fired if they fix copper phone lines
Based on testimony the CWA gave in front of PA PUC.

Philly's old ISI/Thomson Reuters IPS is now Clarivate Analytics (Philly.com: Philly Deals)

IBM to pour $200 million into Watson Internet of Things A.I. business in Munich (VentureBeat)
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital is also partnering with IBM on ways of bringing IoT into the patient's environment (Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals Plans Cognitive Hospital Rooms powered by IBM Watson Internet of Things)

Majesco, IBM Partner on Cloud, AI for Insurers (Insurance Networking News)
MAJESCO is based in Morristown, NJ.Twitter to receive bids this week, report says

Twitter to receive bids this week, report says (USA Today)

Hyperconverged Infrastructure Is Now A Data Center Mainstay (Information Week)

Is Salesforce Einstein really rocket science? (Phil Wainewright/Diginomica)

Salesforce Is Said to Question Microsoft-LinkedIn Deal in Europe (NY Times)

In an encouraging sign for tech startups, Coupa just raised the price of its IPO shares (Business Insider)
SAP Ariba competitor.

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