Introducing A New Search Engine

Today I am launching a new custom search engine, PhillyTech Search. It should be much more useful than the rudimentary thing I had out there before, and I hope you’ll try it out.
The search engine covers large and small tech companies, venture capital firms, industry and trade associations, user groups, government resources, academic institutions and research centers, news and information resources, and support services that tech companies need. It is fairly comprehnsive in terms of coverage, and I will continue to expand it on an ongoing basis.
There are some limitations to the capabilities of Google Custom Search, which I am using. There are ways to tweak some of these things, and I’ll also look at finding a more robust search engine to use in the future. But for now, I think this is a good starting point.

If you can’t find your site or some other site you think should be in there, please let me know. And any suggestions or comments would be welcomed.