10/6: Sprint and T-Mobile Said To Be Ironing Out Final Deal Details; Shopify defends itself after Citron criticism
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Disney, Altice USA Seal Carriage Deal (Multichannel News)
Final multi-year agreement includes carriage of SEC, ACC networks.
Adelphia revisited: A decade on, Wired recounts the deal that spawned today’s consolidated cable industry (FierceCable)
Sprint and T-Mobile Are Ironing Out Final Deal Details (Bloomberg)
Shopify defends itself after Citron criticism (Reuters)
2010 CEO of Time Warner, to 'is Netflix a threat?'
— Adam Stead (@adamrickstead) September 22, 2017
'Is the Albanian army going to take over the world?'
Twitter was inspired, to a degree, by the, "away message" in AIM. #RIPAIM
— Biz Stone (@biz) October 6, 2017
Amazon beams: We're best cloud buds with General Electric (The Register)
But what about Azure?
Amazon is on the brink of deciding if it will make a big move into selling drugs online (CNBC)
New Salesforce Service Targets Retail Banks' Customer Loyalty Challenges (CRM Daily)
After the Digital Tornado: leading scholars on networks and algorithms eating the world. Nov 17-18 at Wharton. https://t.co/11To4rXOBs #atdt
— Kevin Werbach (@kwerb) October 6, 2017