Newtown-based Freedom OSS named subcontractor to Lockheed Martin on Army Private Cloud project

Tom Paine

Newtown-based Freedom OSS has been named a subcontractor to Lockheed Martin on a project to build a Private Cloud environment for the Army, according to a Freedom OSS press release issued last month. The project aims to consolidate Army data centers from more than 200 to fewer than 20, acccording to the Army's original RFI for the contract. Other vendors for the contract, which has an anticipated period of performance of one year with four optional one-year periods and an estimated ceiling of $249.8 million, include IBM, HP Enterprise Services, General Dynamics, and Northrop Grumman.

I didn't know exactly what had happened to this company. About one and 1/2 years ago I wrote a brief note about the interesting things Freedom OSS was doing in the Cloud with SAP and Amazon Web Services. Then it was like they almost disappeared for a while, and I couldn't find anything about them. The press release gives no indication of how much of the Lockheed portion of the contract might involve Freedom OSS.

Freedom OSS builds cloud platforms for customers with an emphasis on meeting security and compliance requirements.
