Infonautics alumni meet to share experiences and what followed
Tom Paine
"The Infonautics Team & A Generation of Startups" was held this past Tuesday at Quorom at University Science Center. I had written a brief background piece on Infonautic's history prior to the event. Although I wasn't able to cover the event, Mike Armstrong of the Inquirer and Technically Philly's Juliana Reyes both provided excellent reports.
Although this event was certainly most worthwhile, co-sponsors Novotorium and Seed Philly subsequently announced they had decided to cancel most of the remaining "Entrepreneur Summer Camp" schedule, of which this was the kickoff event, citing what might have been an overly ambitious program competing with many other activities for a sometimes sparse summer crowd, as Novotorium's Mike Krupit explains. However, the Summer Camp Not-a-Hack-a-Thon Entrepreneur Sleepover on June 27 & 28 is definitely a go.