Friday, December 10, 2010

Daily Links 12/10/2010: Unisys introduces hosted 'Private Cloud'

Two Wharton Pals Take Same Road To Riches (Wall Street Journal: Venture Capital Dispatch)
Nate Turner (Invite Media) and Jack Abraham (Milo Inc.)

End near? Comcast, NBC meet with FCC, Justice on proposed Internet video conditions (Washington Post: Post Tech)

Internet issues bog down Comcast-NBC merger (LA Times)

Verizon, DirecTV Testing LTE-Based Home Broadband
As our leaked photos from September suggested...
(Broadband Reports)

Netflix Unworried About Broadband Caps
Though maybe they should be...
(Broadband Reports)

Net Neutrality and the Academics Who Love It (The Atlantic)

Salesforce and SAP: an obvious comparison (ZDNet Blogs)

Did Salesforce Just Announce Support for Client/Server Computing? (Software As A Service)

Unisys Offers 'hosted Private Cloud' (PC World)

How do you select an energy provider for your datacenter? (ZDNet Blogs)
With a Pennsylvania perspective.

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