About me and my period of absence from Philly Tech News

Tom Paine

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So, for those who may have noticed, I was away from the site for a few months - roughly mid-April thruugh mid-August - I guess, though it was actually the end of August before I really started to write again.

And the problem was that I temporarily got very ill (infection) and recovery took a long time. In fact, even while recovering I didn't have much of an appetite for tech news frankly. as so much of it seemed mundane and repetitive at the time. And getting away from it was good for me. I tend to be a bit obsessive and perfectionistic, a "dot every i" type. And while I was getting bogged down in details too minute to be meaningful to some, I was missing the big picture - the shifting of tectonic plates in technology that really make things interestng. And I was not being true to myself or my abilities.

So I decided to start again. And while no change can or will be 100%, I'm confident I've got the background knowledge to see many issues in a deeper, historical, context. And I've tried to make some changes in the way I go about covering things. I don't see an important story as a single article with a beginning and end, but as part of an extended saga with numerous branches and connections to uncover.

I think I will leave to another installment something I was going to write about the events I missed while absent, and other things I experienced during my down time.

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