Doylestown-based Powerlytics partners with Philadelphia's PolicyMap to join big data & maps

Tom Paine

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Doylestown-based-Powerlytics, a big data provider of financial insights and analytics into the 144 million households and 27 million businesses that comprise the American economy, today announced that PolicyMap has licensed the Powerlytics database for its customers. PolicyMap is an online data and mapping tool that enables government, commercial, nonprofit and academic institutions to access data about communities and markets.

To illustrate the potential of this partnership, Powerlytics and PolicyMap created a visualization of one of the most talked about economic factors in America- student loans. With student loan debt weighing heavy on millions of millennials and other Americans, the findings illustrate where student loan interest deductions have been made across America over the past several years. The data can be broken down by zip code, county, state, metro area, year, and financial variables.

Philadelphia-based PolicyMap is a division of The Reinvestment Fund, a nonprofit leader in the financing of neighborhood revitalization since 1985.

Last month Powerlytics announced it had received a $3 million investment from CME Group.

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