Monday, January 9, 2012

Daily Links 1/9/2012: iMany rebrands as Revitas

A Brand New Year for Revitas
iMANY rebrands, renames as Revitas™, and expands and integrates product offering to help businesses increase profitability and minimize risk
(Business Wire)

It’s Been a Great Year at ThingWorx (ThingWorx Blog)

BioLeap shares drug discovery technology in research collaboration (Med City News)

Edison Ventures Invests in KEMP Technologies Fuels Growth for Industry Leading Load Balancer for SMB (Edison Ventures Press Release via NJTC Blog)

The latest to target smart home management: Time Warner Cable (Gigaom)
Using iControl, the same company Comcast is using (and has invested in.)

Dish’s Hopper: a whole-home DVR with a primetime twist (Gigaom)

CES 2012: The Convergence of TV and Mobile Platforms (Read Write Web)

GreenPeak Chipset to Power New ZigBee RF Remote Controls for Comcast’s Xfinity TV Service (Business Wire)

Motorola Mobility Provides Business Update (Motorola Press Release)
Friday press release that indicated weaker than expected quarter.

11 Tech Factors That Changed Education in 2011 (Mashable)

CRM Watchlist 2012 Winners 1B - The Big Guns Again (Paul Greenberg/ZDNet Blogs)


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