Friday, June 17, 2011

Daily Links 6/17/2011: More cuts coming at Digitas Health?

Digitas Health: Cuts Coming (MediaBistro: AgencySpy)

Genetic technology company moves to San Diego (San Diego Union-Tribune)
A bit more detail on why BioNanomatrix is moving its headquarters out of Philadelphia (because of a stronger genetic technology ecosystem in San Diego, the company says), and what will remain behind in Philadelphia.

SAP’s Conflicted Relationship with Customer Choice (ASUG News)

SAP's strategy shaped by 3 megatrends
Mobile, big data, cloud drive opportunities for SAP
(Washington Technology)

Under Pressure, Salesforce Steps Up Acquisitions (Dow Jones VentureWire)
Quotes local startup Visibiz's Chief Executive Ami Assayag.

Falcone’s LightSquared in Deal With Sprint (Bloomberg)

Blackboard Shareholders Seen Losing 50% Gain With Private Equity: Real M&A (Bloomberg)

Angelo Gordon Makes A Take-Private Play For Battery Maker [Blue Bell's C&D Technologies] (Dow Jones LBO Wire)


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