Monday, May 23, 2011

Daily Links 5/23/2011: Comcast expands streaming video to iPhone

The untold story of SAP and data centers (ZDNet Blogs)

New Dish CEO: More acquisitions on horizon (AP via CBS News)

Comcast makes rare public relations misstep in Baker hire (LA Times: Company Town)

Comcast Streams Video To iPhone
MSO Provides Almost 6,000 Hours of On-Demand Content From 25 Programmers Through Apps
(Multichannel News)

Comcast's next generation Xfinity Spectrum DVR shows off quad tuners, new menu and apps (Engadget)

Liberty Media Execs Explain Barnes & Noble Bid (Hollywood Reporter)
Shareholders approve spin-offs of Starz and Liberty Capital.

Canoe To Lead VOD Ad Interop At CableLabs
But Some Big Vendors Sitting Out the May 23-27 Event
(Multichannel News)

Software AG Buys Terracotta to Build New Cloud Platform (Gigaom)

SAP vs. Workday - In-Core/Memory Resident DB Usage (ZDNet Blogs)

Oracle sued by university (Montclair State) for alleged ERP failure (Computerworld)

SCVNGR Founder Burns His Ships and Takes on Groupon (Gigaom)

Charles Schwab Should Be Worried About ING Direct USA (Forbes Blogs)


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