Thursday, October 14, 2010

Daily Links 10/14/2010: Verizon stores to begin selling iPad later this month

Clearwire’s Spectrum Is The Best Thing It Has Going For It—So Why Sell? (

Verizon Stores, Not To Be Outdone, Will Sell The iPad On October 28 (TechCrunch)

Business Journal’s Philadelphia 100 honored (Philadelphia Business Journal)

FCC Votes to Change CableCARD Rules
Move meant to spur competition in cable digital set-tops
(Broadcasting & Cable)

Moody's Revises Cable Sector Outlook
Sluggish Economy, Increased Competition Weigh on Sector
(Multichannel News)

Comcast targets Lone Star State, causing big money to flow (Washington Examiner)

Microsoft Aims at With CRM Offer (PC World)
Also to reveal new plans for linking its Dynamics ERP offering with SAP ERP.

SAP's Strategy For The CRM Battle (Forbes)
Interview with Jujhar Singh, SAP senior vice president of CRM Solution Management.

Mozilla Taps SAP Executive as New Chief (New York Times: Bits)

Oracle: Citi Sees BMC, CERN, MLNX As Potential Deal Targets (Barron's: Tech Trader Daily)

The next evolution of investor 'office hours' (Fortune: The Term Sheet)

Viridity Energy and the University of California San Diego Awarded $1.6 Million to Optimize Solar Deployment on UCSD Campus Microgrid (Business Wire)


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