Friday, January 15, 2010

FCC looks at ways to assert authority over Web access (Washington Post)

Comcast Confidential: Pledges To Keep Stations, Online Competition In NBCU Deal
MSO Vows Not To Interfere With Online Content Access, Responds to 'Myths' About JV In Confidential Presentation
(Multichannel News)

Verizon: Talk Is Cheap, Data Is Mandatory for Most (GigaOM)

Motorola set-top box unit auction slows-sources (Reuters)

SAP Business ByDesign Coming to Market at Last? (Channel Insider)

Clear releasing two new WiMAX modems with integrated VOIP functionality (Engadget)

Child porn or child's play? US appeals court mulls 'sexting' case against Pennsylvania girls (Associated Press via LA Times)

Pennsylvania cuts another $161M from budget (Philadelphia Business Journal)
Includes more technology cuts.


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