Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Daily Links 11/11/09: SAP fires back at WSJ, Oracle

Zucker to head new NBCU-Comcast venture -- sources (Reuters)
Jeff Zucker Inexplicably To Lead Comcast/NBC Venture (Silicon Alley Insider)

SAP Statement on The Wall Street Journal Opinion Piece About Oracle-Sun Deal (PR

Spotlight turns to SAP in Oracle, Sun debacle
German software maker 'disappointed' letter to Oracle CEO leaked to press

Ma Bell's wake-up call: Deals among Net calling firms may sap big telcos' revenue (Daily Finance)

Supremes wrestle with business method, software patents (ars technica)

InfoLogix Announces Receipt of NASDAQ Waiver for Stockholder Approval of Restructuring and Extension to Stockholder's Equity Requirement (PR Newswire)

Judge denies Heartland restraining order request
(Associated Press via Google News)

Dearth of dollars adds to challenges for technology startup companies (Technology Times)

Reed Elsevier’s Surprise CEO Departure (Wall Strret Journal: MarketBeat)

Astea Reports Third Quarter 2009 Results (PR Newswire)

C64 emulator back on the App Store (The Unofficial Apple Weblog)

What is BarCamp Philly? (

Tech Collaborative plans to award $1.5M in commercialization funding (Pittsburgh Business Times)

Fighting the five-finger discount
No time to wade through security-camera footage? Help is at hand.
(Fortune Small Business)
On Agilence of Camden.

TimeSight Systems(TM) Receives $1M in New Jersey Economic Development Funding to Continue Innovation in Security and Surveillance
(PR Newswire)


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