Thursday, November 19, 2009

Daily Links 11/19/09: John Malone on Comcast/NBC-U, and on the future of Direct TV

Vivendi Wants to Exit NBC, Deal Is ‘Complex,’ CFO Capron Says (Bloomberg)
Complex as in "We want more money".

John Malone: Comcast-NBC would have too much power (Associated Press via Yahoo Finance)

Malone: DirecTV would be "compatible" with a telco (Reuters)
"If (Comcast) can't rape and pillage, it's probably not a great investment," Malone said.

Again: Metered Billing Is Neither Necessary Nor Inevitable
Growth is manageable, companies are profitable, what's the problem?
(Broadband Reports)

3 charged with hacking Comcast site (Philadelphia Inquirer)

Benioff: Denial of the cloud has destroyed SAP (IT Pro)

The Future of ERP, Part II (

Temple prof's legacy will be networking group ( Philly Inc)

Business Outlook Survey: November 2009 (pdf) (Federal Reserve Bank of Phildelphia)
Philly Fed hits highest level in two years
Fourth increase in a row puts index at 16.7

Kulicke & Soffa Reports Results for its Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2009 (Business Wire)

AOL Also Likely to Eye Sale of MapQuest–Is Microsoft a Possible Buyer? (All Things Digial: BoomTowm)

Q&A: Doug Alexander, Internet Capital Group (Keystone Edge)

GSI Launches Four Specialty Web Stores—Barbie, Hot Wheels, Disney and Games—For Mattel
Mattel Signs Multiyear Agreement with GSI for Technology, Fulfillment, Customer Care and Marketing Services
(Business Wire)

Interphase Systems Launches Managed IT Solution for BioPharma Companies
Ready-IT is a cost-effective Platform-as-a-Service solution for managing IT
(Business Wire)


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