Thursday, November 12, 2009

Daily Links 11/12/09: iPipeline raises another $15 million

Comcast testing WiMAX femtocells (FierceWireless)

FCC conditions on Comcast-NBC could hurt synergy (Reuters)

Comcast to Bring TV Everywhere in December (Media Experiences 2 Go: Motorola Blog)

Vivendi: No comment on NBC Universal stake (MarketWatch)

The Philadelphia Inquirer writes that Exton's iPipeline will announce tommorrow that it has raised $15 million from NewSpring Capital and Fidelity Ventures, primarily to fund further acquisitions. iPipeline is also hiring, Joe Distefano reports.
Press Release

The Insanely Rich Young Mobile Ad Broker You've Never Heard Of (Gawker)
Omar Hamoui founded Google acquisition AdMob while at Wharton.

Urban Outfitters Reports Record Earnings in Q3 (Globe Newswire via CNN Money)
Same store sales up 2%.

SAP Tells Oracle To Free Java But Keeps Own Software Closed (Information Week: Global CIO)

SAP shows off enterprise ‘augmented reality’ (IT Pro)

QVC expects 50 percent of sales coming from online by 2014 ( Philly Inc)

Synygy Announces Positive Q3 Results with Profit Increasing 54 Percent over Prior Year (Business Wire)

EMS Formation Boosts Capacity and Performance of ToughDisk® 3500 SATA Rugged Hard Disk to Meet Growing Mass Storage Demands (Business Wire)

Unilever Awards Unisys an Outsourcing Contract to Provide End-User Services to a Multi-Regional Workforce (Business Wire)

SunGard Prospects To Try Apps on Dell Gear in New Test Center (Campus Technology)


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