Friday, August 21, 2009

SAS Institute: There Is No For Sale Sign In Our Yard (Information Week) fires back at Oracle in SaaS war (ZDNet Blogs)

Happy Cog smiles as Airbag becomes West Coast wing (Philadelphia Business Journal)

U.S. Allocates $1.2 Billion For Electronic Medical Records
The grants will go to regional centers to support implementing electronic health records, as well as state grants to share information nationwide.
(Information Week)

DirecTV Could Drop Versus
Carriage Expires Sept.1 Unless New Deal Emerges
(Multichannel News)

InfoLogix Files Preliminary Proxy Statement in Connection with Special Meeting of Its Stockholders to Approve Recapitalization Plan (PR Newswire)

GIS/Geospatial Industry Worldwide Growth Slows to 1% in 2009 (Daratech Press Release via Directions Magazine)

Boomi CEO: EDI Lives On In SaaS World (Information Week)

The Internet of Things (SAP TV)
How SAP Technology will help Big Brother track how you drive, and other neat things.

SAP Embraces Real-Time in the Entemrprise (Read Write Web)

SEDONA Corporation Announces Recent Court Ruling (PR Newswire)

Apple reconsidering C64 Emulator for iPhone? (MacNN)


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