Friday, April 17, 2009

Unisys Reviewing Debt Payoff Options as Credit Expiration Looms (Bloomberg)

Stock Jocks Proved Clueless On FiOS
$24 billion investment didn't 'doom' Verizon after all...
(Broadband Reports)

Verizon CEO Slams Sprint, Cable (Broadband Reports)

Google’s Android Makes Set-top Box Debut (GigaOM)

Motorola: Revival Of The Mobile Device Spin Off Plan? (Barron's: Tech Trader Daily)

Comcast Claims NFL Network Was Overpriced, Legitimately Place on Sports Tier
NFL's program carriage complaint case to wrap up Friday
(Broadcasting & Cable)

Update On LINTA: Maffei Expects To Refinance QVC Debt (Barron's: Tech Trader Daily)

Weiss Tech House Announces 2009 PennVention Competition Winners (PR Web)

City Council Approves Cell Phone Driving Ban (Weekly Press)

SAP takes familiar yet effective approach to SAP virtualization

Universal Display Presents at Inaugural LED/OLED Lighting Technology Expo in Tokyo (Business Wire)

ICW and Surescripts to Develop E-Prescribing Prototype Project for SHIN-NY (PR Newswire)

C&D Technologies Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results (PR Newswire)

Millersville University looking for a few good software developers (Keystone Edge)


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