Thursday, January 21, 2010

Daily Links 1/20/10: FCC ends Comcast's local sports monopoly

Conan O'Brien signs deal to leave NBC (USA Today)

NBC Said to Tell Comcast of Leno Troubles Before Deal (Bloomberg via Business Week)

FCC ends Comcast's local sports monopoly (Philadelphia Inquirer)

Comcast-NBC Universal merger is focus of Senate hearing Feb. 4 (Washington Post: Post Tech)

E.U. Gives Final Clearance to Oracle-Sun Deal (New York Times)

Global CIO: CEO Benioff On Beating Microsoft & SAP In The Cloud
SAP Is The Anti-Cloud
(Information Week: Global CIO)

SAP and Hasso Plattner Ventures Announce Joint Strategic Investment in RIB Software (PR Newswire)

Is the SAP KPI Program Really Dead? (PC World)

January 2010 Business Outlook Survey (Federal Reserve Bank
of Philadelphia)

Heartland Payment Systems:
Lessons Learned from a Data Breach (pdf)
(Federal Reserve Bank of Phildelphia)

Q&A: Health IT Czar Rethinks National Data Exchange (Information

Rowan gets contract for software project (The Gloucester County Times)

The future is online, virtual collaboration… in 3D! (Med Ad News)

City's green groundbreakers
Architects champion new views of digital design and prefab construction.


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