Thursday, January 6, 2011

Philly-based Stream TV gets head start with its eLocity Android 3.0 tablets

Philadelphia-based Stream TV Networks, Inc. generated a lot of buzz by getting out in front of the of the pack in announcing its new 10-inch eLocity Android 3.0 tablets in advance of CES. I tried to find out a little more about the company and who is behind it.

Stream TV is headquartered on Chestnut Street in Philly, and its founders are Mat and Raja Rajan, who have been behind Bensalem-based Zero Water, which produces household water filtration systems. Though I am not sure how this background translates into manufacturing computer devices, the key asset the founders may possess is channel experience. From their Zero Water background, they know how to get product into mass retailers such as Wal-Mart, and they appear to be taking a similar path with the eLocity. There may be a niche there for a somewhat lower-cost Android tablet in what will be a brutally competitive market.

I've got no information on funding right now, but Zero Technologies (the company behind Zero Water) raised $30 million and had connections to some prominent investors.

Stream TV has other interests as well; At CES it launched a line of 3d without glasses devices.

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