Links 4/4: Comcast-funded Atairos invests $250 million in Groupon

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Tech Leader to Establish Roots at uCity Square: Microsoft Innovation Center Comes to Philadelphia (PR Web)

Comcast-Backed Firm Makes $250 Million Investment in Groupon (Bloomberg)
Back to the future?
Actually, the supposed promise of Groupon was for it to replace the Yellow Pages.
Trying to find out if this is Atairos', the mosly Comcast-funded investment group headed by former CFO Michael Angelakis, first investment.
Interesting quote by Aaron Turner, an analyst with investment firm Wedbush Securities. in Internet Retailer: “The new one today, I think it’s a little unclear as to the benefit that Atairos gets from this. I don’t think it’s a good strategic fit for Comcast. I highly doubt that they’ll be able to forge any meaningful partnerships from this deal.”
Of course, that's only one analyst's opinion.

NBCU And Vox Join Forces To Sell Digital Advertising (Ad Age)

Why More Cloud Companies Specialize In a Single Industry (Fortune)
Yet another article introducing us to Veeva Systems.

BioTelemetry competes $6M deal (Philadelphia Business Journal)

Venmo’s secret sauce: PayPal CEO on why millenials love the fast-growing payments app (Geekwire)